Friday, August 27, 2010

birthday gone bad...

A friend of mine got together with this girl which he had a crush since high school. She was a really nice girl and all, but also a really dumb girl :p ,and we all told him that he could get a better girl. He didn’t listen. After getting together with her, he invites her to his 21st birthday party, which is only a few days later. When she shows up in the hotel for his birthday, she brought a date with her. My friend flips out, but we manage to calm him down. We tell him not to make a scene at his own birthday party. As the drinking, wears on, the girl and her date begin to obviously flirt at the table. My friend snaps. In the middle of someone’s birthday speech for him, he starts yelling at the girl from across the table, calling her a whore, a bitch and a slut. He yells so loud that nearly everyone at the party stops eating to watch. He ends up fighting the guy in the hotel, getting a black eye, getting thrown out by some waiters, and calling the rest of his birthday off. Two days later he talks to the girl and he asks her why she brought a date. She tells him that she didn’t want a relationship with him, but didn’t want to tell him on his birthday because she thought that would be rude.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

i got a new complain!

She eyes me like a pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart Shaped box, for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

the man who sold the world :)

i love this song by nirvana which kurt cobain sang during MTV unplugged in new york which was 5 months before he died :( .The original version of this song was by david bowie but i feel the nirvana version is better and its one of my fav :D

Friday, August 20, 2010

note to my angel

it scares me to know that i might lose you
it's so terrifying to know that it is you
i know i wanted it too
but what i care more about is you

so wake up my dear angel
wipe this tears away for me
cast this fear aside for me
please,wake up for me

ps: i love you.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

our deepest fear..

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.It is our light, not our the darkness that most frightens us.You're playing small does not serve the world that there is nothing enlighten about shrinking so that other people wont feel insecure around you.We are all meant to shine,not just some of us but all of us and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same as we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

guess what?




Sunday, August 8, 2010

heart laced with venom

i was too puerile to understand your ways and i'm naive back in the days,it caused so many arguments and strays.Now i realize how to treat you and the secret to keep you. Be faithful now, cause cheating's lethal :p